{Free} Bug & Farm Animal Printable Notebooking Pages

Today, I got to start my day by getting my hair done. Sure was nice. I never have had my hair done by someone else first thing in the morning.

My Ladybug gave me 3 different hairstyles throughout the course of the day. 🙂 I did, in fact, wear the final hairstyle when I brought her to gymnastics in the evening. I just wanted to share with you guys this awesomeness. 😉

You guys remember a couple of weeks ago, I was talking about how I spent so much time putting a fun and pretty and practical homeschool space together only to have our days slowly gravitate to the kitchen table? I mean, it really can’t just be me that this is happening to. Anyway! I was noticing that all of our art supplies, magazines for cutting, Little Man’s art supplies, our basket with our current unit study papers and books, were all piling up on a chair in the corner of my dining room. Not to mention the permanent stack of books, notebooks, and and binders at the end of our dinner table. Continue reading