{Free} Bug & Farm Animal Printable Notebooking Pages

Today, I got to start my day by getting my hair done. Sure was nice. I never have had my hair done by someone else first thing in the morning.

My Ladybug gave me 3 different hairstyles throughout the course of the day. 🙂 I did, in fact, wear the final hairstyle when I brought her to gymnastics in the evening. I just wanted to share with you guys this awesomeness. 😉

You guys remember a couple of weeks ago, I was talking about how I spent so much time putting a fun and pretty and practical homeschool space together only to have our days slowly gravitate to the kitchen table? I mean, it really can’t just be me that this is happening to. Anyway! I was noticing that all of our art supplies, magazines for cutting, Little Man’s art supplies, our basket with our current unit study papers and books, were all piling up on a chair in the corner of my dining room. Not to mention the permanent stack of books, notebooks, and and binders at the end of our dinner table. Continue reading

Soil Exploration Activity {& Free Printables}

So it’s nearing the end of September which should mean the temperatures are cooling off…except that they aren’t. Not really anyway. Yesterday the airport recorded a temperature of 91 degrees {Fahrenheit} and the forecast for today and the following week is in the upper 80’s and possibly hitting 90 degrees again! And to top it all off, tomorrow is the first day of fall! ::sighs:: Every summer I contemplate moving just a smidge farther north so that when it’s fall, it actually feels like fall. But, here we are and here we stay. And it’ll cool off….sometime. 😉 Anyway, let’s focus on something else for a bit, shall we?

This week I’ve shared our Rocks & Minerals Unit Study and have started diving deeper into some of the activities. Today I’ve got another one for you. Continue reading

Our Schedule & a Freebie!!

We are half way through our first six-week session now and I’m going to be honest with you, it hasn’t been easy. There have been days where I’ve questioned my life choices. But thankfully, my husband has been there at the end of the long days telling me it’s okay and we’re all doing just fine.

So far, I’ve learned that homeschooling with a toddler (a run-full-tilt-till-you-crash-into-something all-boy two year old) is no picnic. But I think we’re on the right track to getting a routine that keeps everyone happy. (And by everyone, I mostly mean the toddler. 😉 ) Continue reading