Let Your Kids Eat the Rock Cycle!


Awhile back, we learned about Rocks and Minerals. We did read some books, watched some videos, drew pictures, went on rock hunts, and grew our own salt crystals.

In addition to those hands-on activities, if your kids are like mine, your kiddos will also want to do some edible activities. I mean, who doesn’t love snacking while learning??

Today’s activity uses Starburst candies to demonstrate the rock process. Continue reading

Rocks & Minerals Unit Study

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One of the topics Rosie and Ladybug wanted to study was rocks and minerals. At first I honestly wasn’t sure how much I could pull together for it after covering the basics. As you’ll see on my Pinterest board {Learning Rocks & Minerals}, I found plenty of ideas to keep us busy!


Today I’m going to share with you the outline I put together for this unit. Bare in Funny

mind, some days will look pretty lean but those were days where we had obligations that took us out of the house for a large chunk of time and the one or two activities were all we could squeeze in. {Be sure to check back because I’m going to share our activities in the next few days so you can do them too!} Continue reading