Quick No Cook Homemade Playdough — with a twist {and without cream of tartar}

Back when the girls were in preschool, the teachers had a sign-up sheet asking the parents to each take a month to make playdough for the class to play with. The colors would vary depending on what the theme for the month was. I definitely made my fair share of it. The school provided a recipe to make sure it was everything coming into the classrooms was allergy-safe. This particular recipe was for a cooked, unscented playdough. Once the girls were done with preschool, a part of me was glad not to have to make any more playdough. [Hey, that was 4 years of playdough making! Four years of large playdough batches that took a ton of flour, almost a whole container of salt and enough cream of tartar that would make me constantly need to make last minute trips to Kroger.]

After preschool, we had a TON of the store-bought Play-Doh in our home and a ton of the playsets. With our last move, we cut down on some of our containers and sets that just didn’t see much play time.

Enter my Little Man. I recently found a three-pack of Play-Doh hiding in my garage. (It may have been hiding…or I may have just forgotten to bring it in the house when unpacking…) He has enjoyed playing with the stuff and life was good.

Or so I thought.I was checking out some people on Instagram the other day and saw a mom sharing her genius idea {you can see it here}. Seriously, it’s such an awesome idea. Homemade SCENTED playdough! She tinted her dough orange and added orange zest. I know, amazing! Continue reading